Excellent handbag, small, just such a size as I was looking for-for phone, lipstick, powder. Sewn well color exactly as in the photo. I plan to take other colors.
Very practical and beautiful clutch. By the way, the color is the same as in the photo. My favorite Green))) The seller sent the order instantly. Now in composition. In the main compartment there is one zip pocket and two open pockets. On the outside, one zip pocket. In the clutch I have two phones, keys, a case with headphones and napkins. Nothing superfluous! Sunglasses on the chain, the water in the bottle is fastened to the bag. A set of urban residents. I am very pleased with the purchase, I recommend it to everyone.
I liked the handbag. Everything is placed. But the color represented others. Would order other colors
A small bag in all dimensions, thin. There is a long handle, but the handle is not completely leather, fabric with a leather insert. The color is pleasant, exactly as in the photo from the seller